Feb 2: Poem As I walked by his mothers picture
sitting on the dresser by the bedroom door
I would always put it face down,
as he walked by his mothers picture
turned facedown by the bedroom door
he would always turn it back to sitting up
it was an unspoken ritual
starting when I met his mother
that didn’t end when she passed away
Feb 3: Photo
Feb 4: Drawing
Feb 5: Reiterate
Feb 6: Photo
Feb 7: Illustrator
Feb 8: Logo
Feb 9: Poem She came to my life
tripping over the front door
leaving mud all about
Feb 10: Photo
Feb 11: Drawing
Feb 12: Reiterate
Feb 13: Image
Feb 14: Illustrator
Feb 15: Logo
Feb 16: Poem Watching, waiting, while they slip away
one by one, ever since that day
my heart did not break in that instant
but piece by piece they become distant
I can only hope friendship will hold
over this time apart the fire grows cold
until that time when we reunite
and see that we’ve lost the fight
you are gone and I am left
wondering about the theft
of my friendships that went away
slowly being traded in since that day
Feb 17: Photo
Feb 18: Drawing
Feb 19: Reiterate
Feb 20: Image
Feb 21: Illustrator
Feb 22: Logo
Feb 23: Poem The Water is falling
plip plop
it’s washing all my troubles away
drip drop
pushing and pulling
plip plop
I’m all that’s left
drip drop
I don’t see them anymore
plip plop